Shops & craftsmen

Phone: 03 21 83 33 19
44 rue de la Fontaine
Auberge du Goulet
Restaurant, take-away meals to order during the pendulum period.

Phone: 03 74 73 84 51
2 rue de la Vallée
Consumer electronics repairs, television repairs, videos.

Phone: 03 21 10 23 00
3 hamlet of Fouquehove
IT consulting, services and maintenance.

Phone: 03 21 91 41 00
10 National road
SARL P SPECQ era and Son
Pleasure farming, agricultural equipment, tools, trailers and tractors.

Phone: 03 21 87 14 74
4 National road
In my nature

Phone: 06 72 19 52 85
1 rue de la Vallée
Frédéric BRIOIS

Phone: 03 21 93 66 96
Valley Street
Ets DURIEZ and sons
Grain trading.

Phone: 06 19 86 07 42
1 rue de la Vallée
Opal bubbles
Micro-brewery, sparkling drinks.

Phone: 03 21 92 70 55
14 National road
Sté Lelièvre Father and Son

Phone: 03 21 31 29 85
10c Beauséjour residence
Didier POLY
Pastry chef.

Phone: 06 09 10 15 02
7 rue de la Vallée
CDB Tradition facade
Restoration, stripping, real estate renovation.

Tél : 06 62 46 89 98
18 rue de la Vallée
RODLEC Electricité
Alarme intrusion, domotique, depannage,particulier et entreprise